Personal Skills and Self-Development


  • Defining leadership and its importance.
  • Classical and modern theories of leadership.
  • Different leadership styles (authoritative, servant, democratic, etc.).
  • Skills of an effective leader (communication, decision making, motivation).
  • Practical applications: case studies and role-playing exercises.

Women's Leadership

  • History of women’s leadership and its societal impact.
  • Specific challenges faced by women in leadership positions.
  • Strategies to enhance women’s leadership.
  • Developing a support and mentorship network.

Soft Skills

  • Defining soft skills and their importance in work and personal life.
  • Developing communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills.
  • The importance of active listening and empathy.
  • How to improve critical thinking and creativity skills.

Interpersonal Skills

  • Effective communication: body language, listening, speaking.
  • Relationship building: networking, mentorship, coaching.
  • Conflict management: negotiation techniques, mediation.

Emotional/Social Intelligence

  • Definition of emotional intelligence and its components.
  • Assessing and developing one’s emotional intelligence.
  • Self-awareness and emotional control.
  • Emotional intelligence skills in work and relationships.

Goal Setting and Planning

  • Techniques for setting SMART goals.
  • Prioritizing and time management.
  • Creating an actionable and trackable action plan.

Ten-Year/ Lifetime Personal Plan

  • Visualizing the future self and setting a vision.
  • Developing short-term and long-term plans.
  • Regular review and adjustment of goals.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Fundamentals of innovation and creative thinking.
  • Developing an entrepreneurial business model and testing the idea.
  • Learning from failure and resilience.

Acquiring New Habits

  • Understanding the habit loop and how habits form.
  • Strategies for breaking bad habits.
  • Techniques for reinforcing new habits.

Mental Health

  • Awareness of mental health and emotional well-being.
  • Techniques for meditation and relaxation.
  • The importance of self-care and work-life balance.

Life Skills

  • Personal finance and budgeting management.
  • Dealing with stress and coping strategies.
  • Health and fitness as part of daily life.

Life Skills

  • Personal finance and budgeting management.
  • Dealing with stress and coping strategies.
  • Health and fitness as part of daily life.

Each section should include a theoretical introduction, practical examples, group exercises, homework assignments, and assessment tools to measure progress. The course should be designed to be interactive and motivational, encouraging critical thinking and innovation, and should be culturally sensitive, especially if it relates to women’s leadership.

For a lasting impact, the course should also include follow-up sessions and evaluations to assess how what has been learned is being applied in the participants’ practical environment.