Administrative and Business Skills

Here is a detailed outline of the training content suitable for a course on management skills and business:

Government Systems and Websites

  • Explain the administrative structure of the state and various government systems.
  • How to use government websites to obtain important information and services for businesses.
  • Directions for registering companies and obtaining necessary licenses and approvals.
  • Case studies on efficient interaction with governmental bodies.

Contract Writing

  • An introduction to commercial law and the importance of contracts in business.
  • Basics and components of a legally valid contract.
  • Workshops for drafting and reviewing commercial contracts.
  • Avoiding vague terms and legal pitfalls.

Employment Contracts

  •  Explanation of types of employment contracts and associated legal provisions.
  •  How to insert protective clauses for both employer and employee.
  •  Guidance on legal obligations such as taxes and insurance.

Project Management

  • Fundamental principles of project management and frameworks (such as PMP, Agile).
  • Applying project management tools and software.
  • Skills in planning, organizing, and monitoring.

Risk Management

  • Identifying, assessing, and addressing risks.
  • Creating business continuity plans.
  • Strategies for risk mitigation and hedging.

. Business Management and E-Commerce

  • Principles of e-business and how to establish an online store.
  • Understanding the competitive online environment and digital marketing strategies.
  • Familiarity with electronic payment systems and logistics.

Business Models

  • Analyzing different business models and how to choose the appropriate one.
  • Case studies of successful business models.
  • Designing a business model for a new project.

Business Analysis

  • Fundamentals of data collection and analysis for informed decision-making.
  • Using statistical tools and analysis software like Excel or SPSS.
  • Application of SWOT and PESTEL analyses.

Startups and Small Businesses

  • Planning and launching startups and small businesses.
  • Financing small projects and seeking investors.
  • Effective management of limited resources.

Human Resources Management (HR)

  • Developing hiring and selection strategies.
  • Methods for performance evaluation and human resource development.
  • Creating a supportive and motivating work environment..

Basic Mathematics/Management/Business

  • Financial mathematics such as interest, annuities, and financial analysis.
  • Using mathematics in data analysis and forecasting.
  • Necessary calculations for daily business operations.

Life Skills

  • Personal finance and budgeting management.
  • Dealing with stress and coping strategies.
  • Health and fitness as part of daily life.

For each topic, educational objectives and learner levels should be determined, and educational materials such as presentations, worksheets, tests, and practical projects should be developed. Multimedia elements such as videos and educational games can also be integrated to increase engagement. Additionally, opportunities for hands-on learning through case studies and group exercises should be provided to ensure practical application of learned concepts.