Linguistic and Writing Skills

Handwriting and Spelling

  • Basics of Arabic Calligraphy: Introduction to primary Arabic scripts (Naskh, Ruq’ah, Thuluth, etc.) and practicing writing them.
  • Basics of English Handwriting: Learning cursive and print handwriting in English, focusing on clarity and legibility.
  • Arabic Spelling Rules: Spelling exercises including the use of diacritics, hamzas, punctuation, and dotting.
  • English Spelling Rules: Explanation of basic rules and exceptions, focusing on commonly misspelled words.

Professional Writing in Arabic/English

  • Types of Texts and Purposes: Learning how to write descriptive, persuasive, and analytical texts.
  • Grammar and Syntax: Developing coherent and impactful sentences and paragraphs.
  • Style and Tone: Choosing the appropriate style and tone for the audience and purpose of the text.
  • Editing and Revising: Learning revision and editing skills to ensure texts are error-free.

Report Preparation

  • Report Structure: Introduction to the basic parts of a report (introduction, body, conclusion).
  • Report Writing Styles: Learning to write reports in an objective and clear manner.
  • Analysis and Summary: How to analyze data and present it succinctly.
  • Using Graphs and Tables: Incorporating and explaining visual tools in reports.

Meeting Management

  • Meeting Preparation: How to prepare agendas and necessary materials.
  • Participant Roles: Understanding the roles of the facilitator, note-taker, and participants.
  • Writing Meeting Minutes: Techniques for effective note-taking and minute writing.
  • Post-Meeting: Ensuring understanding of roles, responsibilities, and task distribution.

Email Writing

  • Protocols: Standards for professional writing and etiquette in email communication.
  • Structure: Introduction, body, conclusion for a well-structured email.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Writing clear and concise emails.
  • Responses and Follow-ups: Strategies for maintaining effective communication.

Presentation Skills and Public Speaking

  • Designing Presentations: Choosing the right tools (like PowerPoint) and designing engaging slides.
  • Public Speaking Skills: Training on breathing, voice, body language, and eye contact.
  • Practical Exercises: Practicing presentations and receiving feedback.
  • Handling Questions: Strategies for responding to questions and managing discussion.

Interview Skills

  • Interview Preparation: Researching company and job information and preparing questions.
  • Resume and Cover Letter: Effective writing and presentation of a resume.
  • Body Language and Confidence: Learning to exhibit confidence during an interview.
  • Common Questions and Responses: Training on how to respond to various types of questions.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Fundamentals of innovation and creative thinking.
  • Developing an entrepreneurial business model and testing the idea.
  • Learning from failure and resilience.

Each section of this course should include theoretical lessons, practical exercises, case studies, and activities for practice and application. The course should be interactive and provide up-to-date information that aligns with the modern work environment, along with the necessary tools for assessment and follow-up to ensure maximum benefit from the training.